Monday, May 31, 2010

Child Support is Modern Day Slavery!

1) Child support reform in needed in Ohio. Child Support and Alimony are immoral and are examples of modern day slavery in today's society and violate the 13th amendment of the United States Constitution. No matter how noble the cause, it is wrong to steal money from one individual and give it to another.

2) If a child support system does exist, it should be fair. There are no provisions in Ohio law that take into account how much time the noncustodial parent is spending with their child. For example, if one parent has 50-50 shared parenting there are obviously costs that will be incurred from raising a child (Food, Clothing, School Supplies, Child Care Costs (the cost of staying home to watch your kid), Diapers Etc.) So Shouldn't a noncustodial parent that has shared parenting pay less child support than a noncustodial parent that doesn't invest any time or money into his/her children other than child support? There are numerous states that have provisions that take into account how many overnights per week a child spends at the noncustodial parents residence and adjust the child support accordingly. The current system punishes noncustodial parents for being involved in their kids lives because any money that the noncustodial parents spends on their children is considered "gift money."

3) Child Support should be based on actual costs of raising children not a fabricated percentage based on the noncustodial parent's gross income or potential income (imputed income.) Why are some children entitled to $50/month and other children entitled to $2000/month? With no cap on how much a custodial parent could collect, child support could theoretically be $20,000 a month or more. There should be a legal limit on how much child support a custodial parent can collect. If child support money received by the custodial parent is in excess of the actual costs of raising children then child support is in effect alimony.

4) If child Support is based on income is should be based on net income not gross income. With a progressive income tax combined with a child support schedule based on gross income the noncustodial parent will actually take home less than he would if child support was based on net income. In most states it's based on net income.

5) If a noncustodial parent has a high paying job his child support is immediately increased. But as soon as the noncustodial parent loses his/her job and becomes unemployed he needs to pay money and petition the court to lower the child support. With the limited resources of CSEA and juvenile courts, getting child support lowered can take as long as 6 months or more. During this time, the noncustodial parent has an arreage accruing, is being charged interest and penalties, has driving and professional licenses suspended (making it even more difficult to find a job and pay child support), etc. This makes it difficult for the noncustodial parent to even survive in this bad economy.

6) No one should go to prison for not paying child support. Every parent has a moral duty to take care of their kids, but it is not the responsibility of government to legislate morality.

7) Child Support is another example of the overinvolvement of government in our lives today. Whenever the government get's involved they do more harm than good.
I am encouraging you and other legislators to have the courage to stand up to radical feminists that devised this unfair child support system and introduce a bill that levels out the playing field between the custodial and noncustodial parent

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why All Police Are Bad People

When is the last time you saw a police officer stop or prevent a crime? How many times in your lifetime can you remember a police officer protecting you? Have you ever benefited from police services? How many times have you been prosecuted for trivial victimless crimes such as speeding tickets, expired tags, or drug possession?

You have to understand that law is not based on morality and is just someone’s idea being signed into law. Unfortunately, many people’s morality is based on what the government does. When people send money to the IRS it is under the threat of force but still most people don’t consider it stealing. Many of these laws are immoral and are designed to generate revenue for the state. For every new law that is passed the state has more power over your lives. Think about how many DEA and BATFE agents would be out jobs if we eliminated all drug laws and laws regulating firearms.

Now that we established that there are many laws that are immoral, we have to analyze the actions of the people that carry out these laws, the police officers’ sense of morality, and how it destroys peoples’ lives in the process. Are they just doing their job? Or are they just as guilty as the people that make these immoral laws. I think they are guiltier because they are the initiators of force against people just trying to live their lives. Their mere presence deprives us of a certain amount of liberty. To make it worse, most people have no problem with the fact that your are not even allowed to resist them.

Government police have a monopoly of power and the corruption in our society stems from the fact that the police, the prosecutors, the judges, and all other city officials are all on the same team and work for the same people. They don’t have to respond to market forces such as providing good customer service. They are parasites on society and you are the host.

In my opinion if a law enforcement officer or any other government official initiates force against someone for simply exercising their rights, they have a right to resist and use whatever force necessary to defend themselves. The primary purpose of the second amendment is to give citizens the means of protecting themselves from armed government officials; not protecting themselves from private criminals. Who is more of a threat to you?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Video of Cleveland Heights Gestopo Police Ordering Citizien to Ground for Open Carrying

Cell Phone Video of Gestapo NAZI Cleveland Heights Police Officer Theodis Porter (Unit# 1761) and Officers Falisa Berry (Investigator with 16 years experience with Cleveland Heights Police Department) and Officer Hood (Unit #1169) Terrorizing their Citizens for simply exercising their rights on 07/04/09 at approximately 1730. In the end they let me go with no charges filed and returned my gun.

For people that don't know, the carrying of firearms openly (unconcealed) is a legal activity in Ohio and does NOT require a permit. Unfortunately, the officers of the Cleveland Heights Police Department did not know the laws they were hired to enforce.

The case was settled for an undisclosed amount provided they institute an educational policy training their law enforcement officials on Ohio Firearm laws (including ORC 9.68.) I wish I could have taken the case all the way to the Supreme Court and make case law, but I did not have the financial resources to do so. I would like to thank the 3 people that donated to my case.

Video of me being Kicked Out of University Circle Starbucks in Cleveland for Open Carrying

I voted today and part of my activism I decided to open carry into starbucks. It should be noted that this was a corporate owned restaurant and there was no sign on the door prohibiting open carry and starbucks corporate released a statement allowing open carry in their restaurants.

Their contact information is:
11302 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland - (216) 229-0749


The purpose of this blog is to allow people to discuss freedom related issues and to say things that would be moderated in other forums. So anything goes here! Some of the topics discussed in this blog may include but are not limited to:

  • The Carrying of Firearms Openly or Concealed (Experiences)
  • Gun Control
  • Abortion
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Police Brutality
  • Statism / Welfarism / Socialism / Communism
  • Libertarianism / Minarchy/Anarchy
  • Child Support Laws/Custody
  • Liberialism/Neoconservatism
  • Drug War/Prostitution
  • Foreign Policy
  • Monitary Policy
  • States Rights
  • Political Candidates
