Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Punched In Face by Police Officer for Asking His Name

I wanted to report an incident that happened to me on w 81st and Lawn Ave near Madison Ave on June 13th at approximately 16:30. I was driving south on west 81 st when I was stopped by an unmarked police car as I was passing Lawn ave. As the plaincloths police officer Robert Miles (Badge #2046 Unit 111 1st District) approached my vehicle I asked him why he stopped me (which is a logical question) and he said I ran through the stop siign and that I was being smart with him and he started swaring at me. I asked him what his name was and he told me to get out the vehicle. When I got out of the vehicle he ordered me to turn around and face the car. He then placed me in handcuffs. I then asked his partner (Name and Badge# Unknown) what his name was because he was also in plaincloths and had no visible ID and he told me to shut the fuck up and punched me in the face! The two officers led me to the back of the police car. As I was walking to the police car I told them I didn't consent to any searches and they searched my vehicle without a warrent. I sat in the police car for about 15 to 20 minutes while they ran my information. During this time, in a nutshell I told them they were out line and were violating my civil liberties. When the information checked out they wrote me a ticket for running a stop sign and sent me on my way.

There seems to be an arrogance among police officers and government bureaucrats in general that they can do whatever they want with no accountability. After all their salary is paid by tax dollars so they get paid regardless if I am satisfied with their services or not. I have several witnesses and I will do everything in my power to make sure these police officers and the city face criminal and/or civil charges to the fullest extent so this type of behavior doesn't happen again. Is it acceptable for a police officer to punch me in the face for simply asking for his name and identification? What would happen if I punched a police officer in the face for asking my name? Judges and prosecutors never hold police officers to the same standard of justice as citizens; this has to change.


  1. Make' em pay Joe. Good luck on your fight brother and let us know how it turns out.

  2. Voice recorder bro? Please tell me you had a voice recorder going. Whens the march?

  3. FF777, You are a 2A hero. It's very unfortunate the way that you have been treated on some supposedly pro 2A forums in Ohio.
    Do you think that this retaliation for the lawsuit or other events you've been involved in?

